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imagine being a lone sithech. But Derek's a lot stronger than our
pack gives him credit for. Megan smiled, pulling on her denim jacket.
That was, of course, if he survived the Samhain moon.
She concluded a good night's rest would do Derek good and
stepped out onto the wooden porch. Leaving him alone to fall asleep
was best. Her own blood was stirring in her veins. She was feeling
the effects of the full moon, too. Recognizing her body's signals, she
inhaled a deep, calming breath to soothe her jangled nerves.
Folding her arms over her chest, Megan focused on the sounds of
the cool, autumn night. Town was miles away. All she could hear
was the familiar rustlings of the woods and the rippling water of the
lake nearby. Somewhere a distant owl hooted. Stepping off the
porch, she slowly walked the tree-lined perimeter surrounding the
cabin. Thankfully, there were no usual sounds or unfamiliar scents to
alert her to any intruders in the vicinity.
Buzz! Buzzz!
Her cell phone was vibrating in her jacket pocket. She pulled it out,
glancing at the caller ID, then flipped open the phone.
"Geez, Meg, where are you? I've been worried sick!" Rhonda
Morrison's voice crackled through the receiver.
Sensing her best friend's anxiety, Megan took a breath before she
responded. "I'm okay, Ronnie. Everything's fine."
"Tell me, what the hell happened on Main Street tonight? Your
brother's fit to be tied! He wanted me to call you. What's going on?"
Megan proceeded to fill her in on the events of the past hour or two.
She could tell Rhonda was trying to digest her account, not saying a
word, waiting until she was finished.
"So, I brought Derek here to Dad's cabin. He's patched up and
sleeping right now. Everything's cool."
"Cool, huh? He gave us quite a scare with that stunt he pulled! Ray
wanted me to tell you there's an emergency meeting tomorrow – nine
a.m. at the diner. Come alone, if you can. Derek is okay to be left
alone, isn't he?"
"Yes, I trust him. He'll be fine while I'm in town. Just reassure
Ray I'm safe and I'll be there in the morning, okay?"
The tenseness in her friend's tone dropped a notch. "Okay, I'll tell
Ray. But you be careful, Megan. Girl, I worry about you."
"Yeah, I know," Megan smiled into the uber-thin receiver. "Like I
said, everything's fine. I'll see y'all tomorrow, bright and early."
Saying their 'good-byes', she flipped the phone shut with a heavy
sigh. Rhonda was as close as a sister to her. It was times like this
Megan was grateful Ronnie was an excellent intermediary between
her and her older brothers. Really lucky.
With a sudden feeling of momentary relief, Megan turned her face
up to the moon's glowing light. It was almost full in the night sky,
riding high above the tree tops. Deep inside her, she felt the flicker of
a deep-seated, passionate fire as her thoughts returned to Derek.
Damn it! I have to remain in control ... for myself and for Derek!
She didn't want him to witness her in the throes of moon fever –
when she could get dangerously aroused. Any sithech within her sight
was not safe. Especially a male. But that was long ago. I've
overcome a bad moon before ... and I won't let it happen again! she
* * * *
Derek tossed and turned on the mattress. A fine sheen of
perspiration covered him, making the undersized t-shirt cling to his
skin. Damn, it's blazing hot! Frustrated, he kicked the blanket onto
the floor and sat up on the edge of the bed.
"So much for trying to sleep," he grumbled, spearing a hand
through his hair. "Megan?" He glanced around the semi-dark cabin.
There was no fire in the hearth. The cabin was empty ... and
unusually quiet. A sickly feeling coiled in his gut as his senses
sharpened, on alert. She should've been back by now. That's not a
good sign. He sprang to his feet, and slipped into a pair of worn,
leather sandals.
A cool autumn breeze caressed him as he stepped out onto the
wooden porch. "Megan?" he called out into the darkness surrounding
the cabin. "Megan, sweetheart, are you okay?" No reply. Nothing
except the sounds of nocturnal creatures in the woods and the watery-
sounds of a nearby lake.
Derek glanced over to the gravel driveway. Her Honda was still
parked right where she'd left it. His heart pounded wildly as he leapt
off the porch. His skin was itching beneath his clothing. The sithech
inside wanted out. Derek glanced up at the moon over the tree tops.
"Damn you!" he hissed. "This is all your fault, isn't it?"
The moon glowed back, cold, silent and aloof.
A rustle in the bushes near the car caught Derek's attention. He
stilled, holding his breath. His heart lurched into his throat as he
made out a pair of eyes staring at him from the darkened hedge.
The creature leapt out from its hiding place. A large, reddish-hued
wolf with green eyes. It was Megan in her sithech form. Derek had
never seen another of his kind until now. His heart softened, deep-
seated emotions bubbling inside him. Joy and happiness mingled with
awe and a dash of fear. "Megan, is that you?" he asked softly, holding
his still, uncertain stance. "I was worried about you."
The wolf let out a low whimper, slowly padding toward him on
four paws. Within a few feet of him, she stopped and sniffed the air.
Derek knew she sensed his fear. "I'm sorry, honey. I've never seen
you like uh, this before." He managed a thin smile. "But you're
beautiful. Really, really beautiful."
He didn't know how much of what he said she'd comprehend. In
his own experience, he recalled that sometimes he felt human inside,
other times not.
"Remember what I said earlier, Derek. Within us, there is a
delicate balance between our human side and our sithech." Derek
heard her voice in his head as if she were speaking directly to him.
The wolf blinked her big, green eyes, then slowly nodded. "Of course
I can understand you."
"Oh, good!" Derek exhaled a sigh of relief. "For a moment there, I
thought I was the lunatic."
Megan trotted over to the porch and laid a paw on a pile of clothing
... her clothing, folded neatly on a wooden plank. She glanced back at
him, a glimmer of moonlight in her eyes. "Wait here a moment," she
conveyed, then disappeared around the side of the house. Within a
few minutes, a bare arm appeared around the edge of the cabin.
"My clothes, please?" she asked with a wave of her hand. "Sorry I
took off like that, but I was feeling a bit edgy. I desperately needed a
run in the woods."
Derek grinned, scooping up the pile and handed them to her. "It's
okay. I understand. I just can't get over seeing you like that, Meg.
You're a beautiful creature."
"Gee, thanks!" Megan, now in her human form, rounded the corner,
returning his grin. "Maybe I should pose for the cover of National
Geographic, huh?" She winked.
He reached out, encircling his arm around
her waist and drew her to
him. "You're a beautiful sithech and woman, too."
In the glow of the moonlight, he saw her cheeks darken with color.
She looked so lovely, so tempting – even if she had twigs stuck in her
"Derek, you shouldn't say such things." There was a quiver in her
voice as she attempted to pull from his grasp.
"Now, hold on, Meg," he coaxed. "What's wrong with me finding
you attractive?"
"It's just the moon having its effect on you. You're not thinking
clearly," she protested.
"Well, I must confess, Ms. McShaw, I found you attractive even
before the moon was near full. Does that make you feel any better?"
Derek chuckled and leaned closer, catching a whiff of her dark musky
Megan gazed up at him, speechless. He brought a hand up and
tenderly brushed away a smug of dirt on her warm cheek with the pad
of his thumb. A shiver went through his body like a ghost passing
through a wall.
She drew a ragged breath. "Derek, now is not – "
Before she could finish her protest, he kissed her. Her lips were
like warm honey, sweet and yielding against his hungry mouth. A
low moan escaped from deep in her throat, but she didn't pull away.
Instead, she leaned in closer, her arms wrapping around his shoulders,
drawing their bodies together.
Every muscle in his body tightened, burning with an inner fire. His
cock, buried in the crotch of the borrowed sweatpants, also responded,
humming to life.
Involuntarily, his hips pushed forward, rubbing against her, seeking
out her heat between the layers of clothing. His tongue darted over
the warm seam of her lips, parting them gently and capturing her in a
fuller, deeper kiss.
The sounds of the forest around them melted away. All of his
senses were focused on Megan – sweet, delicious Megan. Sliding a
hand beneath the hem of her shirt, he glided a hand over her hot,
sweaty skin. Gliding upward, his hands grazed the cups of her bra,
feeling the firm imprints of her nipples against the satiny material.
Oh, sweet Jesus! He loved the way she was responding to his touch,
confirming that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. His heart
thundered in his chest, his hips pressing against her body.
He peeled his lips from hers, planting soft kisses down her neck.
The warm, musky scent was spurring him on, making him desperate,
hungry and –
"No!" Megan's voice broke the spell. "No, Derek, we can't!" She
pulled away from his grasp.
Dazed with desire, he blinked, confused. But he held his stance
under the heavy gravity of her stare.
"Megan, don't do this," he softly pled. "I want you. Honestly, I
"Now's not the right time," she protested. "Let's wait until after the
Samhain moon passes, then we'll see if whatever we're feeling is the
real deal."
"B-but, Meg, I'm real horny!" he stammered in frustration.
"I can tell." She flashed him a smirk, her gaze dropping to the
tented crotch of his sweatpants.
Derek felt his face warm with embarrassment as she turned,
heading back to the cabin.
"I suggest you take another shower ... a cold one," she called over
her shoulder. "I need to head to bed. I'm going into town tomorrow
to meet with the pack. While I'm there, I'll gather a few more supplies
... including some more suitable clothes for you."
Still stunned, and with his body aching with longing, Derek
followed behind her, close on her heels. But deep down, he could
understand a bit of her reluctance.
He paused a moment, gazing up at the full moon. He exhaled a
heavy sigh of disappointment and followed her into the cabin. She'd
already flopped down on her side of the mattress, still fully clothed
and sweaty from her run. Derek could tell by the expression on her
face she was exhausted.
Megan let out a weary sigh and closed her eyes. "Right now, I just
need some rest. You try to do the same, all right?"
Derek gazed down at her for a moment, hands on his hips. "Oh,
alright," he grumbled, heading for an icy shower. "I'll wake you in the
morning, Meg, okay? Okay?"
But he was only answered by a soft, deep snore.
Jewel's Family Diner was a great place for the pack to meet.
Megan took their designated table in the back of the diner, ordering
the breakfast special while she waited. Derek had brewed a strong pot
of coffee earlier that morning. She'd grabbed a granola bar and drank
a quick cup before she'd left the cabin, but she was still hungry.
Stopping off at her house for a hot shower and a fresh change of
clothes, she felt more alert. However, she was also a bit anxious
about the meeting. Despite traditional pack structure, their pack was
lead by several sithech alphas with a couple of betas to keep the
balance evened out.
Eating her breakfast, she kept to herself, as the other pack members
slowly trickled in, taking their seats and talking among themselves.
She overheard the others either grumbling over the price of gas or
discussing the latest episode of American Idol.
"Hey, sis!" A familiar voice broke her train of thought. She half-
turned in her chair, her mood brightening a bit at the sight of her
brother, Ray.
"Hey, you." She grinned as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her
Ray McShaw pulled out a chair and sat down beside her, his hand
resting lightly on her shoulder. "So, how's our wolf-boy doing this
morning? Does he remember anything about what happened last
"He's all right, Ray." She patted her brother's hand for reassurance.
"But he doesn't recall too much about the whole bar incident. I've
come to the conclusion he's under a 'bad moon'. He's never
experienced anything like it, he says."
"Oh?" Ray raised an eyebrow, but his expression was solemn and
A shiver passed over Megan as she gazed into her brother's face.
He resembled their father more with each passing day. It made her
heart squeeze with momentary grief. "Yes." She nodded. "And I
honestly believe he's telling the truth too, Ray. He's genuinely naïve
to the whole phenomenon."
"Naïve my ass!" boomed Jerry MacDonald as he took a seat across
from the McShaw siblings and glanced around the table at the other
pack leaders.
Ah shit! Megan's gut recoiled with anger as she drew a breath to
calm herself. MacDonald was the biggest, burliest member of the
pack, but he was also very outspoken for a second-rank, beta sithech.
Ray held up a hand to quiet the heated murmurs rumbling around
the table. "That's why I've called this emergency meeting today.
There are two sides to every story. MacDonald, you'll have a chance
to speak in just a moment. I want to hear Megan's side first, 'cause
she's been with Derek Lee since he fled down Main Street."
"Where's Ritchie?" Megan glanced around the table, not seeing
Ray's twin among the
familiar faces of the pack members.
"He's out of town on business, but he sent me a text message this
morning that however the pack decides to handle this matter, he'll
approve," Ray replied with a tight smile. "Now, sis, why don't you
tell us what you've learned about our rogue wolf-boy?"
"I wish you wouldn't call him that," Megan muttered under her
breath, angling her head to stare her brother in the eyes. She really
wanted Ray to like Derek. Without the approval of the entire pack,
Derek wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of becoming a
member of it. Unless, he mated into the pack. The thought sent a
heated streak of arousal down her spine.
Taking a sip of coffee to clear her throat and steer her mind away
from sex, Megan proceeded to fill in the group with what she'd
learned about Derek. Minus the fact he was attracted to her, of
course. She knew that alone would send her protective older brother
over the edge ... and that was something she'd rather not have happen.
* * * *
Derek was getting edgy waiting around the cabin. Stepping out
onto the pouch, he took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of the
wooded area around him. The rich colors of the leaves glistened in
the sunlight, creating a cornucopia of hues that only Mother Nature
could create.
Despite his uneasiness, he wished he could have returned to town
with Megan. He recalled Megan shaking her head, her voice level and
rational as he walked her to the car.
"You'll have to stay here a few nights until the moon loses its hold
on you, Derek. You don't want to run the risk of 'going wolf' again in
public. The pack frowns on it. Fortunately, we have a connection at
the town council. He'll deal with Officer Murray and straighten things
out with the council members and the local newspaper."
"I didn't realize how tightly connected your pack is with the town,
Meg. I've traveled around, but I've never witnessed anything like this
before." He chuckled.
"Our sithech heritage is welcome here in Heather Grove. When our
ancestors fled from Scotland in the eighteenth century, the town
greeted us with open arms. We're an important, yet secret, part of its
history. And we do our best to make sure the general public is not
alarmed or threatened by our presence in any way."
Megan smiled, gazing up at him with those enchanting emerald